Name of the Branch/Chapter:
    Office Address of the Branch/Chapter:

    E-mail ID of the Branch/Chapter:

    Name of the President:

    Address of the President & Contact Nos:

    Name of the Secretary:

    Address of the Secretary & Contact Nos:

    Current Membership strength:
    New members enrolled in current year:

    Academic Activities:


    Public awareness program – have you conducted any such program this year, furnish brief detail on Topic, type of audience with no:

    Members Participationin Annual Conference of ISSP(ISSPCON):
    The best ‘City branch’ and ‘State Chapter’of ISSP willbe selected as per the decision of the Governing Council and will be awarded with memento and citation. All recognized City branches & State Chapters can compete for this award.The application in the proper format duly completed along with last three years audited statement, details of month wise activities and awareness programme, familymeet etc. maybe forwardedto the office of the Secretary, ISSPHQ, before 20th January of that year of ISSPCON. Format will be available in the Website & with the Secretariat.
    The final decision lies with Governing Council (GC) to award the Best City Branch/Best State Chapter for that year. If the applicants do not satisfy required criteria, GC may reject any award in this category for that year. You can always add additional sheets to provide more information. You can provide Photographs/Media Reports/ and any other testimonials or supportive documents to support your application

    Note: Last Date of receipt of forms at Secretariat will be 30th December 2024